Senior / Geriatric Wellness

As pets move past adulthood into their golden years, their health needs change. Dogs and cats are generally considered senior after seven years of age and regular veterinary care can help them live a longer and fuller life. Physical exams with your veterinarian are the beginning. The risks of some health conditions increases with age, so your veterinarian may recommend further diagnostic testing. Blood work to screen for such conditions as liver disease, diabetes, and kidney disease is advised for our senior pets.

Other health concerns in our older pets can be addressed with your veterinarian at the time of your visit. This is the perfect time to discuss any changes that you have noticed in your older pet such as behavior, appetite or activity level.

We will tailor a senior wellness plan to your pet’s individual needs. If you have any questions, we would be happy to discuss our senior wellness program in more detail. Call us today to schedule your pet’s exam!

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