Itchy Skin & Ear Infection

Itchy Skin & Ear Infection

Here at KKM Veterinary Clinic in Franklin, we often see dogs brought into our animal hospital because they are itching to the point of having bald spots. Many also show signs of discomfort in their ears. What many first-time pet parents don't realize is that both of these are often a sign of allergies in your pet. Once some testing is done, we can often clear both problems up at the same time.

Allergies in Pets

Pets experience many of the same types of allergies as humans do. Most often, pet allergies are triggered by environmental factors such as pollen, dust mites, and chemicals. In rare cases, your pet may have an allergy to proteins in their food, but these allergies are not common. Unlike humans, your pet may not exhibit allergy symptoms such as sneezing and watery eyes. Most often, the symptoms settle in the skin, causing dry, itchy conditions. When dogs experience frequent ear infections, it is often discovered that allergies are responsible. Our veterinarian will evaluate your pet’s condition to determine what is responsible for your pet’s allergies and recommend treatment accordingly.

Home Treatments

One thing you can do to help prevent excessive itching is to add an Omega-3/ fish oil supplement to your pet's diet. Our veterinarian can help you determine the proper amount for your particular pet's weight. Benadryl has been determined safe for use in pets. It is important, however, to make sure it is allergies you are dealing with and get input from our vet to determine the correct dosage. Wiping your pet with a warm washcloth each day may help eliminate allergens on their coat and help prevent allergic reactions.

When Help is Needed

Any initial problems with itching, especially problems involving the ears, will require a visit to the animal hospital. This will enable you to know whether it is indeed an allergic reaction you are dealing with or if something else is causing your pet’s symptoms. If the traditional methods of allergy relief do not work, our veterinarian may prescribe steroids. An antibiotic may also be necessary if the scratching has created secondary infections.

Animal Hospital in Franklin 

If your pet has been showing signs of allergies, the pet medical professionals at KKM Veterinary Clinic are ready to assist you. Our animal hospital has been providing Franklin pet owners with reliable itchy skin and ear infection treatment for many years. For more information or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian, call us at (513) 423-2331.

KKM Veterinary Clinic