Tumor and Mass Removal

A strange growth has appeared on your beloved pet. Your heart sinks. Could it be cancer? Not always. There are times when strange lumps and bumps should be removed even when they are not cancerous. KKM Veterinary Clinic in Franklin, OH talks more about tumor and mass removal.

Tumor and Mass Removal

Cases of Weird Growths in Pets

Cancer does cause strange growths on pets, but so do allergic reactions, infections, insect bites, blockages of a sebaceous gland in your pet’s skin, and benign forms of cancers that cause cells to behave abnormally. An examination can get to the cause of the growth.

When To Go to the Animal Hospital

Strange lumps and bumps are often normal for older pets. However, hard bumps, those larger than a pea, enlarging bumps, multiple growths need to be checked. Also, if your pet starts developing other symptoms like loss of appetite, then your pet’s lumps and bumps need to be examined by your veterinarian. If it is cancer, then the tumor needs removing before cancer cells spread throughout your pet’s body.

Getting a Biopsy

Depending on where or how large the growth is, your pet may not need to undergo anesthesia to get a biopsy. He or she may be given a local anesthetic for the vet to get a sample. If the growth is small enough, your vet may choose to remove the entire mass for examination. It takes up to two weeks to get the biopsy results from a veterinary laboratory.

Pre-Surgical Testing

If the growth is cancerous, it should be removed as soon as possible. If the growth is not cancerous, it may still need to be removed if it interferes with your pet’s eating, walking, or going to the bathroom. Before undergoing surgery, your vet will want to do tests to help make sure your pet is healthy enough for surgery and determine what type of anesthesia to use.

Before Surgery

Your pet will need to fast before surgery. If you have more than one pet, keep the pet to be operated on in a separate room so it does not sneak any of the other pet’s food. Keep your pet indoors so you can make sure your pet won’t eat.

If your pet takes daily medication, ask your animal hospital if the medication should be stopped. If your pet is diabetic and needs insulin shots, ask when to give the last shot before surgery or if the vet staff will give a shot. Prepare a warm, quiet place for your pet to recover when coming home.

Contact Our Animal Hospital in Franklin Today

If you have further questions about tumor and mass removal, contact KKM Veterinary Clinic at (513) 423-2331 to make an appointment today.

KKM Veterinary Clinic